
Showing posts from September, 2017

College Day

Still haven't finalized a college list (but I do have at least two I want to apply to), signed up for College Greenlight to help with the search and I've been filling it out and looking through colleges.

Thesis Day

Today I was debating about whether to make a detailed 1st grade class curriculum as a project for my thesis and use that to show the ability of bringing procrastination prevention to the classroom while still being able to keep up with learning standards. But at the same time I don't know if that's what I should be trying to pursue? I would have to tackle the psychological side of this thesis first, but it seems like a nice project idea to tie everything together.

College Day

Looked at more colleges and put them on the list I currently have to compare pros and cons. Narrowed it down a lot, decided which ones I'm definitely applying to.

Thesis Presentations


College Search

Honestly, with the September 20th naviance deadline looming, everything is getting really stressful. I look through colleges that have my major but then I get disappointed by other aspects of it. Or sometimes on princeton review I look at other factors and get disappointed by the fact that they don't have my major. And then there's tuition. Good God. Lots of money. Lots and lots. Much stress. And going to a state school would probably be fine, too, and that's where I'm probably going to be ending up, but as of right now I'm really really wanting to go to a school that's more liberal...Hard in Texas, I know, but a girl can dream. Please college gods, send me a school with an early childhood/elementary education degree that prepares me for a teaching career and with a good student body atmosphere of diversity and acceptance. Amen.

Starting Off

Went on pubmed and looked through abstracts of some articles and made a note of which ones to fully read through later on
Looked at teacher prep rankings to try to narrow down colleges, and started CommonApp

Thesis Topic Chosen

As of right now my thesis topic is something around the lines of "preventing the cycle of procrastination via early teaching methods"