
Showing posts from October, 2017

College Day

Submitted an application for college woohoo! Now I only have 5 (maybe 4) other schools on my list, and they're all in Tejas. ApplyTexas time. (Also Halloween time!)

College Day

Common App application, revising essay.

Thesis Day

I was absent during class because of the blood drive.

College Day

Organized commonapp

College Day

Feeling the burn of looming deadlines and trying to get myself organized. As usual, procrastination is at play, but this is too important to miss out on. Today I worked on making a schedule of when I need to complete things that I need done (like deadlines) and finishing the docs needed for a recommendation. Next gameplan is to beg on my hands and knees to my recommender and apologize for how last minute the request is.

Thesis Day

The more I look into my thesis and the psychological aspect of it, I don't really know if that's the type of thing that I would want to continue to pursue...I really like children and working with them and I want to be a teacher in the future, but I don't know about this particular thesis topic. As for work during class, I continued to read some articles on pubmed.

College Day

Worked on ApplyTexas Essay A.

College Day

1. Did some ACT problems in preparation for the test tomorrow 2. Looked at a couple colleges that I got letters/brochures from and placed them on the "scale". Also added more colleges that I need to search on that list, even though as of right now I have an okay idea of where I would want to apply. 3. Started up the ApplyTexas